Louvered Gates
Privacy Gates: The Solution for Added Security, Controlled Access and More

For houses without the luxury of a garage, a privacy fence with a gate provides a barrier that makes it more difficult for thieves to enter your backyard and steal the valuable belongings you store there.
Things like your BBQ, bicycles, recycling bins and even treasured pets stay out of site and away from quick reach, while louvers allow you to screen pickup and delivery personnel, contractors and even potential trespassers before they become troublesome.
While you can opt for a springy auto-close mechanism for your privacy gates, you can also add hardier iron handles and deadbolt locks for extra security, as well as aluminum door posts for frame fortification.
As a bonus, many insurers offer a discount on insurance premiums because of the increased security that privacy gates provide for your home.
Noise and Airflow
While it might not seem like a big deal at first, once you retreat behind it, you’ll realize the louvers on your privacy gates are crucial to creating a quality environment where fresh air can flow in while annoying noise stays out.
When you’re throwing a hot tub party or expecting lots of holiday guests, you can send them directly to your gazebo or backyard without them tramping through your house.
There are lots of choices when it comes to using your privacy gates to show off your style chops or create curb appeal for your home.
You can choose a traditional swinging style or outfit your privacy fence with a sliding gate. You can louver your door from top to bottom or slat just the top portion. And, although horizontal louvers are pretty standard when it comes to fence, deck and backyard doors, you can use vertical louvers to create a decidedly different look for your privacy gates if you’d like.
Lastly, you can create an attractive privacy fence sliding gate by attaching your house numbers out front or adding a place for a planter box or seasonal decorations to sit. The result? Privacy gates with a put-together look that don’t sacrifice an iota of security in the process.
Choosing Materials
The wood you choose for your privacy gates or privacy fence sliding gate project will depend on a variety of factors, including:
The level of durability you want and the price you’re willing to pay for it .
Both Redwood and Cedar softwoods are popular options for outdoor building projects like privacy gates. While Redwood’s density makes for a more durable type of timber, the extra cost compared to Cedar could be a dealbreaker for your budget. Both these woods tend not to warp and are naturally rot- and insect-resistant, so the choice is yours.
Pressure Treated Lumber
If using pressure-treated lumber ensure the wood is completely dried, or it could warp. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for the wood to dry and stabilize.
What’s available at your local lumber yard
Because it’s grown in the United States, Redwood may not be as available as Cedar at the supply stores serving the Canadian region where you live. Ask your contractor or an experienced sales consultant at your local hardware or lumber supply centre for information about material availability before you plan your project.
A Note About Colour
Deciding on the Dimensions for Your Privacy Gates
The dimensions of your privacy gates or privacy fence sliding gate will depend on the practical problems you’re trying to solve and the design you believe best tackles them.
Our FLEXfence Louver System hardware is available in 4-foot standard kits or custom lengths to a maximum of 8 feet and can be easily cut and sized to meet your needs. Each kit includes an operating bar that allows you to adjust your gate louvers, all fastening hardware, rails and brackets, plus easy-to-follow assembly instructions.
Still have questions? Check out the customer-created privacy gates in the Showcase section of our site, or download DIY plans for a louvered gate designed to meet most homeowners’ needs for security and stability
Deciding Between DIY or Contractor-Installed Privacy Gates
But, if you’d rather leave the construction to a professional, you can direct your carpenter or contractor to the Dimension Guide and Calculator tools on our website, so they can better estimate the materials you’ll need and price your work accordingly.
Where to Buy
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FAQs About Louvered Privacy Gates
When constructing my privacy gates, what is the recommended max horizontal span for the slats?
When mounting FLEXfence onto a gate post, does it matter whether we use 4" or 6" fence posts?
Has the FLEXfence Louver System been performance tested?
YES! FLEXfence has been independently tested for quality control. We post product test results for snow loads and wind on our website, and if you scroll down to just below those results, you’ll find information about our manufacturer’s warranty as well.